Issue #9: Sharing

git push -u github master

Woah – people really seem to love Manchester CoderDojo. All the places for CoderDojo #12 went in record time… we were amazed.

It does mean that some people are on the waiting list though. Please please let us know if you can’t make it so we can share a place with others…

Aside from our usual set of links we wanted to flag the Raspberry Jam special Birthday Party our Lisa is helping organise in Manchester on 28th Feb. There’s a whole load of great things happenning around this, so please get along if you can

And – we’ve now got all the links we share posted on pinboard! We’d really appreciate some help to share more, so please reach out if you’re interested


This week's featured image

Thanks to Ruby Webb for this picture of a Minecraft-themed birthday cake she made!